Project Activity

James Twigg
James Twigg

Im pleased to say that all the works are now complete on this project.

The final job was to clean the reservoir before handing it back over to Severn Trent Water, they will now begin filling and sampling the water in order to prove its usual high quality before returning it back to service.

Sorry for any inconvienience caused during these essential works



James Twigg


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James Twigg
James Twigg

Despite the bad weather weather and freezing tempretures, we have really been moving along nicely with this project, this is mainly due to the inside of the tank being a nice comfortable 14 degrees thanks to the heating we have set up and the fact we have increased labour to speed things up a little, this was to minimise the time on site and therefore minimise the disruption to the local community

The over banding which is installed over the joints is now almost complete and as the weather has warmed up slightly we have managed to get the excavations on top of the reservoir back filled and reinstated.

We have also installed a shiny new stainless steel ladder for safer access in the future.



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James Twigg
James Twigg

Welcome to Minchinhampton Community Portal.

Stonbury Ltd have been awarded the contract to carry out this planned work and mobilised to site on the 12th February. The work is planned to be complete by the end of March 2018.

Severn Trent Water have taken one side of this reservoir out of service whilst we carry out the planned works.

Most of the works are internal so not much activity will be noticeable from the roadside.

We have an agreed compound set up to the left of the reservoir and have security on site during the nights so this site is manned 24 hours.

Generators will be set up from day 2, these will run heaters as we need to create a certain atmosphere inside the reservoir to work in

The site will be supervised by Stephen Jackson Stonbury Site Agent and managed by James Twigg Stonbury Project Manager. Stephen and myself will be on site a lot of the time so if there are any questions or problems please contact me on 07495902873 or Stephen Jackson on 07377671045 or via the Community Portal. We welcome your feedback so please add your comments to the portal updates during the construction period.

We will provide regular updates with pictures and videos to the Community Portal throughout the contract so please log in to keep updated with our progress.

Thanks, James


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