Project Activity

Barry Chapman
Barry Chapman

Hi Residents

We are now on the home straight and hope to be complete within 2 weeks.

We have to complete the soil reinstatement around the reservoir and cover with topsoil.

We will start to demobilise from site next week so there may be several lorries up and down Reservoir Road but we will obviously stick to the restricted hours.

Overall the project has gone well and we hope that we haven't caused you too much disruption!!!

I will add a final update and completion photographs next week.

As always any concerns please do not hesitate to contact me.



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Barry Chapman
Barry Chapman

Hi Residents

First of all I know a lot of residents at the top of Reservoir Road are a bit cheesed off with the work going on with the new gas main. The contractor does seem to be taking his time and it is causing disruption to us as well.  Hopefully they will be finished next week!!!

As for our progress the first half of the new reservoir is in service and  we have started to put the soil around the outside and build the embankments to hide the concrete structure. 

The second half will be filled next week to carry out the 7 day leak test. Once this has passed the reservoir will be drained, cleaned and refilled ready to go into service. 

I am hoping we will be completely finished by the end of September if not before. I have been told it gets very bleak in the winter at the top of the hill. 😄😄

if anybody has any questions feel free to ask away. 



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Barry Chapman
Barry Chapman

Hello residents! We have had an exciting couple of weeks at Outwoods with great progress being made. We even had a visit from the BBC News, which hopefully you caught! Here is a little update. Do feel free to ask any questions and we will update again soon.



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Barry Chapman
Barry Chapman

Hi Residents

The first half of the reservoir has been filled and will be water quality sampled this week before going into service. The roof membrane has been installed and the topsoil is being placed on the roof. 

The second half is in the process of having the roof installed and we are aiming to fill this half week commencing 17th July. 

As usual we are sorry for any inconvenience caused by our works and we are trying our best to keep this to a minimum. 


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Barry Chapman
Barry Chapman

Hi Residents

Just a quick update. 

We are waiting for water samples to be confirmed before commencing with the filling of the first half of the reservoir. We are expecting these tomorrow morning and are planning to fill tomorrow night. 

The second half of the reservoir is 70% complete. You will see from the photos that there's a lot of valves and pipework going into the reservoir. 

If anybody has any questions please do not hesitate to give me a call  



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Barry Chapman
Barry Chapman

Hi Residents 

sorry for not posting sooner but it has been a busy time on site. 

The first half of the new reservoir is almost complete and we are going to fill this half with water next week to test the structure. 

The second half is well underway and we will hopefully be in a position to install the roof on this half in around 2 weeks time. 

We are of course trying to keep disruption down to a minimum in Reservoir Road but if you have any concerns please do not hesitate to give me a call or come to the entrance gates and ask to see me. 

I will update again next week. Have a great weekend. 



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Sarah Hodgson
Sarah Hodgson

Dear Residents

You may have seen that emergency services were on the Outwoods site today, as unfortunately one of our staff members had a fall and injured their leg. They were taken to hospital in the ambulance and are currently being treated. 

Many thanks,



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Barry Chapman
Barry Chapman

Hi Residents

Just a quick update on progress.

The walls on the first half of the new reservoir will be complete this week and we will start to install the support columns and beams for the roof next week.

We have started to install the reinforcement steel into the base of the other half which we will be concreting in two halves the first being a week on Monday.

We have a South Staffs Water contractor on site as well connecting the new pipework into the reservoir.

This is a busy time on site and hopefully we are not causing any disruption to Reservoir Road.

As always if you have any concerns please give me a call to discuss.

I hope you like the picture update.




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Barry Chapman
Barry Chapman

Good morning everyone,

Progress is going well on site with the new reservoir.

Many of you at the top of Reservoir Road would have noticed a crane being erected yesterday. The type of crane we are using is a tower crane and can be operated either from the little pod 20m in the air or by remote control.

The crane can lift a maximum of 2400kg at the furthest point away from the base which is 34m. Having this on site will speed up our material movements and help us with moving our formwork from one location to another.

We have concreted the first wall sections of the new tank and plan to pour concrete again on Friday and Saturday.

As always if you have any questions please reply or give me a call.

Thank you all



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Barry Chapman
Barry Chapman

Good morning residents

I wanted to inform you all that we are undertaking a large concrete pour to the floor slab on Monday 10th April.

This will mean there will be some disruption with delivery times of the concrete lorries.

We aim to start with the first deliveries at 7.30am with a steady stream of lorries coming to site throughout the day.

The concrete pour will require appoximately 40 lorry loads of concrete. There will be no reason for the lorries to park on Reservoir Road as they will be able to drive directly to the location of the concrete pour.

We will have a large lorry mounted concrete pump on site which has a reach of 47m. The concrete will be poured into the hopper of the pump and then the concrete will be pumped directly to the location required. The operator of the pump has a remote control panel to enable him to move the arm of the pump to the required area and when that area is complete he moves it to the next area so there is a constant flow of concrete. 

I will upload a video of the concrete pump in action on Monday.

If anyone has any questions please do not hesitate to contact me.




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